19th February, 2019: 5:45 pm – 8:15 pm
We know 70% of Australians would prefer to die at home; however, only 14% actually achieve this goal.
A “good death” means many things to many people but, primarily, it provides people with dignity, information, choice and compassionate support.
End-of-life conversations are very hard to have: they’re hard to have with our own family and hard to have between the clinician and patient. Recent initiatives such as “Death Over Dinner” enable people to talk candidly and emotionally about the end-of-life stage and death itself with family and friends.
The clinician is key to having these conversations. With the advent of the Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation in July 2019, this conversation has become more important and, possibly, more polarising.
Nevertheless, it’s opened up the debate and has raised fundamental questions about how well-prepared our clinician workforce is in talking about death with patients and being there in the moment to provide support. Such questions arise about what exactly is a “good death” and who gets to decide this. Throughout the passionate discourse though, it also flags the essential importance of having this conversation within our community.
So, with the incredible support of KPMG, please join us for this extraordinary conversation on Tuesday February 19th with our esteemed panel of experts:
- Charlie Corke – Deputy Chair of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board;
- Claire Hepper – GP & Co-Founder “Shannon’s Bridge”;
- Jenny Philip – Professor of Palliative Medicine, Dep’t of Medicine, University of Melbourne; and
- Mei Krishnasamy (moderator) – Chair in Cancer Nursing, University of Melbourne
Come for what will be an extremely vibrant discussion!